
New Club Life Members!

Published Sun 25 Jun 2023

There would not be many within the club nor the Australian Athletics community who do not know Lyn Foreman but they may be unfamiliar with her achievements and profound contributions to our sport and our club.

As an athlete, a National Champion. Once wasn’t enough for Lyn, rather three consecutive National championships. Humble beginnings as a junior athlete Lyns ongoing journey in our sport included a birth in the 1982 Commonwealth Games and now the UWA Athletics club is incredibly fortunate to have Lyn as one of our current club coaches and long standing member of the committee.

Running an Olympic qualifying time in the same race as rupturing her Achilles tendon remains a testament to Lyn's dedication to their craft. They continue to selflessly share their wisdom with developing athletes and coaches; guiding members of our sport to negotiate the inevitable hurdles that exist in the Track and Field world. We are extremely lucky to have front seats to Lyn's tutelage here at UWAAC.

Lyns commitment to the club extends back to 1988, when she started coaching following her ruptured Achilles.

Whilst women first started being on the UWAAC committee in 1939, however did not compete under UWAAC with the men (they competed under the Univeristy Athletics club for women) until the 25 May 1980 and as such only the UWA men trained on McGillivray. In 1988, With a squad in hand but no training facilities Lyn needed a place to train.  Lyn sought permission to train at McGillivray, with the men. All was agreed under the condition athletes joined UWA. This agreement and initiative led to women joining the club and a mass growth in women in the club and sport. Particularly the introduction of under 18 women to the club.

Adding to Lyn's achievement was the awarding of the Order of Australia medal in 2018. Lyn was awarded the medal for services to athletics, which includes her contributions as an athlete, national coach, her 20 years with the Western Australian Institute of Sport and in coaching education.

Lyn was also as named Coach of the Year at the 2017 UWA Sports Awards.

Thank you so much for making the club what it is today Lyn!

To be nominated for life membership, individuals will be appointed in accordance with the criteria and procedure set out, from time to time by the Committee.

Any person may, for outstanding services to the club over a period of not less than five years be elected to Life Membership of the Club. Such election shall require approval of two thirds of the Club committee. All nominations to be assessed by the committee prior to the AGM and awarded at the AGM.
